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La Biosthetique, founded in 1948, was invented by Marcel Contier in Paris. Since 1948, La Biosthetique has been making its mark on the world of beauty with a unique philosophy: The Culture of Beauty.


貝伊絲,專業高端品牌。1948年由生物化學家 Marcel Contier 創立於法國巴黎。品牌以「美是全方位的」獨特理念在美容界留下了深刻的印記。


贝伊丝,专业高端品牌。1948年由生物化学家 Marcel Contier 创立于法国巴黎。品牌以「美是全方位的」独特理念在美容界留下了深刻的印记。

360° approach for holistic beauty. La Biosthetique offers a comprehensive range of care products, from scalp and facial skin care to hair care, styling and colouring. Our approach to care starts at the roots and focuses on developing high-quality cosmetic products tailored to meet your individual needs.






"Caring for people's hair is like caressing their soul" - these words once uttered by the founder of our brand, Marcel Contier, perfectly sum up our corporate philosophy. More than seven decades ago, the French biochemist revolutionised the world of hair care with an approach that was as simple as it was ingenious: combining "bios" (life) with "esthetique" (aesthetics). 


1948年,法國生物學家 Marcel Contier 創立了品牌,他將「生物學」(Bio) 與「美學」(Aesthetic) 結合在一起,以一種既簡單又巧妙的方法革生了美容界。 他提出:「呵護人們的皮膚就如同撫慰他們靈魂」,這一理念完美地詮釋了貝伊絲的品牌哲學。


1948年,法国生物学家 Marcel Contier 创立了品牌,他将「生物学」(Bio) 与「美学」(Aesthetic) 结合在一起,以一种既简单又巧妙的方法革生了美容界。 他提出:「呵护人们的皮肤就如同抚慰他们灵魂」,这一理念完美地诠释了贝伊丝的品牌哲学。



Family Company 家族企業


Marcel Contier founded La Biosthetique, and Siegfried Weiser and his family worked together with Contier to transform it into a successful brand. The two families worked side by side for many decades before the Weiser family ultimately took over the entire company. Nowadays, Siegfried Weiser manages La Biosthetique together with his children, Jean-Marc, Felix and Isabelle. As a family company, we attach special importance to long-standing relationships with employees and partners on a strong basis of trust.


Siegfried Weiser 及其家族與 Contier 通力合作,攜手將這個品牌打造成一個成功企業。兩大家族攜手前行數十年,當前,品牌由 Weiser 家族全面接管。如今,Siegfried Weiser 與他的子女 Jean-Marc、Felix 和 Isabelle 共同管理 La Biosthetique。作為一家家族企業,貝伊絲特別重視在信任基礎上與員工及合作夥伴建立長期的合作關係。


Siegfried Weiser 及其家族与 Contier 通力合作,携手将这个品牌打造成一个成功企业。两大家族携手前行数十年,当前,品牌由 Weiser 家族全面接管。如今,Siegfried Weiser 与他的子女 Jean-Marc、Felix 和 Isabelle 共同管理 La Biosthetique。作为一家家族企业,贝伊丝特别重视在信任基础上与员工及合作伙伴建立长期的合作关系。

Our heart beats for Paris - the cradle of haute couture. Characterised by both French style awareness and German precision, we set trends and highlight individual beauty. Nowadays, our headquarters are located right by the Arc de Triomphe - with a view of the Eiffel Tower.


總部位於巴黎市中心地帶 —— 凱旋門正對面,可以俯瞰艾菲爾鐵塔。巴黎,是時尚的代名詞。他引領着全球的潮流趨勢!


总部位于巴黎市中心地带 —— 凯旋门正对面,可以俯瞰艾菲尔铁塔。巴黎,是时尚的代名词。他引领着全球的潮流趋势!

Highest productiom standards through in-house production



The quality of a product is not only measured by its end result, but also by the conditions under which it is manufactured. In line with our claim to the highest quality, we have been committed to developing our products in accordance with the highest standards and the principles of the international "Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices" for over half a century. 





Our calmness and purity come straight from the nature of the Black Forest, where we manufacture our products in line with the highest quality standards. When doing so, we use nothing but high-quality ingredients and rely on sustainable production processes.  Working in harmony with nature is a matter close to our heart.






Climate target of the Paris Agreement in focus



Since 2019, our commitment to climate protection has been based on a comprehensive analysis of our carbon footprint in all three scopes. To remain Paris-compliant, we plan to reduce our CO2 emissions by 20 per cent by 2030.




自2019年起,贝伊丝在气候保护方面保持与《巴黎协定》 一致,品牌计划到2030年将二氧化碳排放量减少20%。



In-house development and laboratory



Conducting our own research and developing formulations that meet the highest professional demands in terms of performance, quality and naturalness is a matter of course for our company. Ninety percent of the ingredients used in our production activities are of natural origin. After delivery, every single ingredient is subjected to thorough laboratory testing before going into production.







Ingredients 成份


Our experts create exclusive compositions using carefully selected ingredients. We then check their efficacy and sustainability with scientific precision before choosing the best ingredients for each individual formulation.





Expressing our philosophy with high-quality scent notes



We have been working with the renowned perfumer Geza Schön for many years. His expertise and artistic aptitude enable him to combine high-quality perfumes from leading French perfume manufacturers to make creations that harmonise with the philosophy and values of La Biosthétique.


當年來,我們一直與著名調香師 Geza Schön 攜手合作。他憑借專業知識與藝術才能,將來自頂級法國香水製造商的高品質香薰巧妙融合,創造出與貝伊絲的理念和價值觀完美契合的產品。


当年来,我们一直与著名调香师 Geza Schön 携手合作。他凭借专业知识与艺术才能,将来自顶级法国香水制造商的高品质香薰巧妙融合,创造出与贝伊丝的理念和价值观完美契合的产品。



Consistently dermatologically tested



All our products are tested by renowned dermatological institutes in accordance with the European Cosmetics Regulation. Only products that have been scientifically proven to fulfil our high quality requirements for compatibility are included in our range.





No animal testing



La Biosthétique has never carried out animal testing and is in favour of the ban that has been in force in the EU since 2009. We are convinced that effective products can be manufactured without such a practice. And must.







Responsibility & sustainability



As a family company, we focus on long-term, lasting and sustainable success. Helping to shape the future for upcoming generations is one of our most important desires. To achieve this, both we and our products need to meet the highest standards with regard to quality and innovation. Our long-term perspective is also reflected in our sustainable approach to people, the environment and climate protection.





Award-winning sustainability



Our approach has already earned us recognition, for example the Global Transition Award and the German Sustainability Award Design. These prizes strengthen our desire to continue our climate journey and work together to further develop sustainability at La Biosthétique.





Awards and Honors



Cosmetic-GMP Certificate



Danish Beauty Award'16

2016 年丹麥美容大獎最佳單品


Paris Flagship


Training - Paris/ Pforzheim

培訓學校 - 巴黎 / 普福爾茨海姆

Worldwide co-operation partners


Mandarin Oriental 文華東方/ Rosewood 瑰麗酒店/ Cruise MS Europa & MS Europa II 游輪 歐羅巴號

High-end Cooperations


Brand activities - Paris/ Berlin Fashion Week official partnership

品牌活動 - 巴黎/柏林時裝周官方合作夥伴

Brand activities - SS/AW Trend Brochure launching by La Biosthetique Artistic Team, showing the latest trends in hair care, hair colour, styling, skin and body care and make-up

品牌活動 - 潮流發佈 La Biosthetique國際藝術團隊,每年發佈春夏/秋冬兩場潮流活動SS/AW Trend, 展示國際最新潮流趨勢。

Brand activities - GQ Men of the Year/ Porsche collaboration event/ VOUGE 40th Anniversary Celebration Party

品牌活動 - GQ盛典/ 保時捷聯名活動 / VOGUE40週年慶典

Mainland Brand activities - Endorsement contract & New product launch

國內品牌活動 - 代言簽約 (關之琳女士為貝伊絲星推官頒獎)  & 新品發佈 (品牌摯友 嚴屹寬、李夢 出席貝伊絲小藍珠新品發佈會)

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